OK, so now that it’s a new year and with new vigor, I would like to make some changes to the whole writing schedule thing, and maybe — oh, I don’t know — add a blog or two to Larry’s League of Extraordinary Blogs.
So starting this week, we’re going to adhere to a strict schedule (honest) every week going forward that is going to look like this:
Sunday: Larry the Free Software Guy
Yep, the commentary, punditry, and humor you’ve all grown to love — or hate (looking at you, Mark S.) — will come to you neatly wrapped on Sundays. A pointed opinion on all things FOSS-related will continue to be this blog’s bread and butter. And bacon. And cinnamon rolls.
Tuesday: Larry the CrunchBang Guy
Yep, CrunchBang, the small Debian-based distro which makes a big impact on just about everyone who uses it, is still on some of my hardware and, as such, I’ll still be writing about it. That will be on Tuesdays. But on Thursdays . . . ah, Thursdays . . .
Thursday: Fosstafarian
If you’re reading this, chances are you’re a Fosstafarian — we all believe in the power of good behind Free/Open Source Software (and Hardware). We also know that there is more that unites us — Free Software and Open Source advocates alike — than divides us. So while the Free Software Guy tackles particular issues and foibles in FOSS circles, this blog takes on a more philosophical — and, yes, an almost religious — look at what makes us do what we do. Which leaves us the fourth, and other new blog, called . . .
Saturday: Larry the Korora Guy
For years — no, for decades — I’ve always been several steps behind in the technological race, never having the newest hardware to run the latest, greatest software. Until now. Now that I have a pretty decent laptop with more than one processor and more memory than I can eat, I’ve decided to go back to my Fedora roots. I have a history with Korora — I had given it a test-run back in the day when it had two A’s at the end of the name — and recently I’ve tried it with the KDE desktop. So since I’m using it, I might as well write about it.
So there you have it. Pick a day. Have a read. See you then.
This blog, and all other blogs by Larry the Free Software Guy, Larry the CrunchBang Guy, Fosstafarian, Larry the Korora Guy, and Larry Cafiero, are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs CC BY-NC-ND license. In short, this license allows others to download this work and share it with others as long as they credit me as the author, but others can’t change it in any way or use it commercially.
(Larry Cafiero is one of the founders of the Lindependence Project and develops business software at Redwood Digital Research, a consultancy that provides FOSS solutions in the small business and home office environment.)